GIS Tree Inventory

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Why a tree inventory? Establishing a baseline report allows the customer to know the location, species, and condition of each tree on their property. Each tree can be detailed with a variety of specifics such as trunk diameter, estimated height, pruning/removal recommendations, and pest/disease issues and treatment.

This information is accessible to the client and can be shared in house or with potential vendors. A user friendly operating system can be used by anyone! Filters allow for easy data gathering and needs assessment.

A great tool for any size property, this program is of particular importance for municipalities, business parks, and HOA’s where public safety may also be a concern. This also allows for a seamless transfer for landscape managers and board members.

Tree inventory allows for problems to be easily spotted, addressed, and monitored in the future. This leads to data driven decisions that prioritize health and safety, giving you the best value for your money.

Are there serious hazards on the property? Damaging pests such as Emerald ash borer? Significant disease concerns causing problems? An inventory can reveal these issues and allow you to protect your investment.

Contact Natura for a quote custom tailored to the specific needs of your property!